Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life
Message Eight
The Factor of Living an Overcoming Life
in the Recovered Church to Consummate the Divine Economy
and Become the New Jerusalem
Opening Word of the Prophesying Meeting
(Day1 ¦ Day2 ¦ Day3 ¦ Day4 ¦ Day5 ¦ Day6)
Reading the verses in each day.
Reading the main points in the outlines.
Pray-reading the verses:
Rev. 3:8 I know your works; behold, I have put before you an opened door which no one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept My word and have not denied My name.
11-12 I come quickly; hold fast what you have that no one you’re your crown. He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore…
Word of Appetizer
Revelation 3:12 tells us that the overcomers will be pillars in the temple of God in the coming age; How do we become the pillars built into the temple of God?
The Lord makes us pillars by transforming us, that is, by carrying away our natural element and replacing it with His divine essence; even in today’s church life, the overcoming saints are pillars in the Triune God; from this we see that being made pillars involves the Triune God being mingled with and constituted into the faithful believers. To overcome in the church in Philadelphia is to keep what we have received in the Lord’s recovery to the end; if we do this, the Lord will make us a pillar in the temple of God.
Spiritual Burden
The overcomers are produced by the overcoming Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and they are burdened for the building up of the Body of Christ as the preparation of the bride of Christ; in order to enter into the Lord’s joy and receive the Lord as our exceeding great reward in the next age, we need to gain Him and faithfully enjoy Him today in this age.
To overcome in the church in Philadelphia is to keep what we have received in the Lord’s recovery to the end; if we do this, the Lord will make us a pillar in the temple of God.
Concluding Word of the Prophesying Meeting
The Revelation of the Truth
The overcomers are produced by the overcoming Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and they are burdened for the building up of the Body of Christ as the preparation of the bride of Christ.
As a sign, the church in Philadelphia prefigures the recovered church.
The Lord Jesus will make the overcomer in the recovered church a pillar built into the temple of God.
The overcomer in the recovered church is constituted with the processed and consummated Triune God and becomes the New Jerusalem, “the bride, the wife of the Lamb”.
The Experience of Life
In the church life today, the Lord is working Himself into us and making us, constituting us, into pillars in the temple of God. The Lord’s work in the church is to work Himself into us as the divine flow to carry away our natural being and replace it with His substance that we may be gradually processed by His transforming element. As the result of this transforming work, we become pillars in the temple of God.
Practice and Application
In order to enter into the Lord’s joy and receive the Lord as our exceeding great reward in the next age, we need to gain Him and faithfully enjoy Him today in this age; the return to the pure word from all heresies and traditions and to the exaltation of the Lord’s name by abandoning every other name is the most inspiring testimony in the recovered church.
To overcome in the church in Philadelphia is to keep what we have received in the Lord’s recovery to the end; if we do this, the Lord will make us a pillar in the temple of God.
T1: Seeing the three stages of Christ (John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 5:6)
(Please illustrate that incarnation produces redeemed people, that inclusion produces the churches, and that intensification produces the overcomers.)
T2: The overcomers are produced by the overcoming Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit (Eph. 4:16; Rev. 5:6)
(Please illustrate that the overcomers are burdened for the building up of the Body of Christ as the preparation of the bride of Christ.)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ,” chs. 2-4
T1: the church in Philadelphia prefigures the church of brotherly love, that is, the proper church life (Rev. 3:7-8)
(Please illustrate that one outstanding feature of the church in Philadelphia is that she keeps the Lord’s word.)
T2: The church in Philadelphia has not denied the Lord’s name (Rev. 3:8; Col. 3:16-17)
(Please illustrate that the Lord’s word is His expression, and the Lord’s name is the Lord Himself.)
Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 238, 412; Life-study of Revelation, msg. 15; CWWL, 1984, vol. 3, “The Divine Economy,” ch. 14
T1: In God’s intention man is to be the power representing God on earth (Rev. 1:26; Rev. 3:7)
(Please illustrate that the key held by David is the key of God’s entire dominion.)
T2: g Christ as the One who holds the key of David (Rev. 3:7; Isa. 22:22)
(Please illustrate that Christ’s holding the key of David is for God’s house, God’s building.)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “The Dispensing, Transformation, and Building of the Processed Divine Trinity in the Believers,” chs. 1, 4
T1: The overcomer will be made a pillar built into the temple of God (Rev. 3:12)
(Please illustrate how the Lord makes us pillars by transforming us.)
T2: The overcomers will be pillars in the temple of God (Rev. 3:12; 21:22)
(Please illustrate the intrinsic meaning of the overcomers to be pillars in the temple of God.)
Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 112; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 3, “Crystallization-study of Song of Songs,” chs. 1-2, 7, 12
T1: We must learn to speak these high truths concerning God’s economy (Rev. 21:9-10)
(Please illustrate what is the high truths concerning God’s economy.)
T2: God redeemed man for the purpose of making the redeemed man God in life and in nature (Isa. 7:14; 9:6)
(Please illustrate that which two short prophecies in the book of Isaiah clearly show the link between the Old Testament and the New Testament.)
Further Reading: Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, msgs. 1, 5, 7, 11; Life-study of 1 & 2 Kings, msgs. 4, 7-9, 18-22
T1: What we experience of the Lord will become us (Rev. 3:12)
(Please illustrate that the intrinsic significance that Christ writes His new name upon the overcomers.)
T2: To have the new name of the Lord Jesus written upon us is according to our experiences (Rev. 3:12)
(Please illustrate that the more we experience Christ, the newer He will be to us, and the more His name will be written upon us.)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 2, “The Governing and Controlling Vision in the Bible,” chs. 1-3; Life-study of Job, msgs. 3, 5-6, 8-10, 12, 16, 22-23, 31, 38