English – Prophesying Outline ITEROS23 Week 08

Knowing, Experiencing, and Living the All-inclusive Christ for the Genuine Church Life

Message Eight

The Vision, Experience, and Enjoyment of the Glorious and Excellent Christ as the Supreme Preciousness of God for the Genuine Church Life


Reading the verses in each day.

Reading the main points in the outlines.

Pray-reading the verses:

Dan. 10:5-6 I lifted up my eyes and I looked, and there was a certain man, clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with the fine gold of Uphaz. His body also was like beryl, His face like the appearance of lightning, His eyes like torches of fire, His arms and His feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of His words like the sound of a multitude.

Rev. 1:12-13 …I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle.

Word of Appetizer

How can we see the vision of the glorious enthroned Christ?

In order to see the vision of the glorious enthroned Christ, we need to take heed to Isaiah’s warning word (Isa. 6:9-10) by exercising our spirit to pray that the Lord would open our inner eyes, soften our heart, and keep our heart turned to Him so that we may receive His inner healing of our blindness and sickness.

Spiritual Burden

We must redeem the time to enjoy Christ as the supreme preciousness of God so that we can be constituted with Him to be men of preciousness, even preciousness itself, as His personal treasure for us to become the New Jerusalem as a miraculous structure of treasure for His glory.

As we live in Christ’s precious and present presence, enjoying Him as our portion, even as He enjoys us as His treasure, He builds Himself into us to make us His spiritual house and His holy and royal priesthood for the accomplishment of His heart’s desire.

Concluding Word of the Prophesying Meeting

The Revelation of the Truth

The vision of Christ in glory was seen by Isaiah in his depression.

The vision of the excellent Christ, who appeared to Daniel in His supreme preciousness as a man, was for Daniel’s appreciation, consolation, encouragement, and stabilization.

The vision of the glorious Christ walking in the midst of the golden lampstands as the High Priest (Rev. 1:9—2:1) was given to John in his spirit for him to see the ascended Christ as the Son of Man “clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle”.

Peter speaks in his Epistles about the supremely precious Christ and the items organically related to Him.

The Experience of Life

Seeing God transforms us, because in seeing God we gain God and receive His element into us, and our old element is discharged; this metabolic process is transformation. The more we see God, know God, and love God, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we deny ourselves.

Seeing God issues in being purged and cleansed by God, and being cleansed by God issues in being sent by God to bring His chosen people into a state of living Christ so that they might express Him in His glory, be saturated with His holiness, and live in His righteousness.

Practice and Application

In order to see the vision of the glorious enthroned Christ, we need to take heed to Isaiah’s warning word (Isa. 6:9-10) by exercising our spirit to pray that the Lord would open our inner eyes, soften our heart, and keep our heart turned to Him so that we may receive His inner healing of our blindness and sickness.

We need to ask the Lord to grant us the light to have a thorough change in our concept of value so that we will continually choose Christ and all that He is as our super-excelling portion.

We must treasure the Lord’s words more than all earthly riches so that we can speak oracles of God to dispense the unsearchable riches of Christ as the varied grace of God into His people.


Day 1

T1  The vision of Christ in glory was seen by Isaiah in his depression (Isa. 6:1, 5)

(Please illustrate that in Isaiah 6 [Christ] is the God-man with divine glory and human virtues.)

T2 Isaiah was sent by the Christ who is full of the divine glory and the human virtues in His holiness (Isa. 6:8-10)

(Please illustrate every sent one is sent by the Lord to do the same thing.)

Day 2

T1  No matter what the situation might be on earth, Christ is still on the throne in His glory (Isa. 6:1-4)

(Please illustrate that in the church life, we need to learn not to look down at the situation but to look up to Christ.)

T2 Everyone who truly sees a vision of the Lord is enlightened (Isa. 6:5-7)

(Please illustrate how much we realize concerning ourselves depends on how much we see the Lord.)

Day 3

T1  Daniel saw a particular vision in Daniel 10:4-9 (Dan. 1:5-6)

(Please illustrate that Daniel understood that this One he saw was the Lord as a man.)

T2 The vision of Christ was spiritual, not physical (Dan. 1:5-7)

(Please illustrate that Daniel alone saw the vision, for the men who were with him did not see the vision.)

Day 4

T1 Christ is the best model of cherishing and nourishing as seen in Revelation 1  (Rev. 1:12-13)

(Please illustrate now Christ takes care of the churches with the girdle not on His loins but on His breasts, signifying love.)

T2 Christ is the High Priest in His humanity taking care of us by cherishing us all the time (Heb. 4:15; Rev. 1:13)

(Please illustrate how Christ takes care of the churches as the lampstands in His humanity as the Son of Man to cherish them.)

Day 5

T1  Experiencing all these different aspects of Christ’s eyes (Rev. 1:14)

(Please illustrate with experiences that His eyes infuse us with all that He is.)

T2 The God to whom we also belong and whom we also serve is the living God (Rev. 1:18)

(Please illustrate with examples that those who know the Lord as the God who lives forever and ever, can be assured of His presence in our spirit all the time.)

Day 6

T1 The kind of change in valuation that happens to a Christian  (Jer. 15:19; Phil. 3:7-8)

(Why was Paul able to reject the things that were gains to him? Why he was able to consider them as loss?)

T2 The basic elements of the structure of the New Jerusalem are gold, pearls, and precious stones (Rev. 21:18, 21)

(Please illustrate what the symbolic meanings of gold, pearls, and precious stones are.)