English – Prophesying Outline ITEROS23 Week 07

Knowing, Experiencing, and Living the All-inclusive Christ for the Genuine Church Life

Message Seven

Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ— “a Land Flowing with Milk and Honey”—
and Bringing the Surplus of the Riches of Christ to the Meetings of the Church
for an Exhibition of Christ and the Corporate Worship of God


Reading the verses in each day.

Reading the main points in the outlines.

Pray-reading the verses:

Exo. 3:8 And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey…

John 4:23-24 But an hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truthfulness, for the Father also seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness.

Word of Appetizer

As a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the land of Canaan is “a land flowing with milk and honey”; what are the symbols of milk and honey?

Milk and honey, which are the mingling of both the animal life and the vegetable life, signify two aspects of the life of Christ—the redeeming aspect and the generating aspect; the vegetable life is the life that generates and multiplies; this life signifies the generating and multiplying life of Christ. The animal life signifies the redeeming life of Christ.

The redeeming aspect of Christ’s life is for our judicial redemption, and the generating aspect of Christ’s life is for our organic salvation.  The symbols of the Lord’s table signify the redeeming and generating aspects of Christ’s life for God’s complete salvation.  When at the same time we experience and enjoy Christ as both the vegetable life and the animal life, we realize how good, sweet, and rich the Lord is to us.

Spiritual Burden

Exercising our spirit is the key to laboring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ. We labor on Christ as the good land by exercising our heart to have faith in the Lord and to love the Lord and by exercising our spirit to contact the Lord and to receive the dispensing of the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit, the reality of Christ as the good land.

Daily we should labor on Christ to have a surplus, a harvest, to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God the Father.  Whenever we come to the Lord’s table meeting to remember the Lord and worship the Father, we should not come with our hands empty; we must come with our hands full of the produce of Christ.

Concluding Word of the Prophesying Meeting

The Revelation of the Truth

As believers in Christ who have been led by Christ into Himself as the good land typified by the land of Canaan, we need to labor on Christ.

As a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the land of Canaan is “a land flowing with milk and honey”.

Daily we should labor on Christ to have a surplus, a harvest, to bring to the church meetings for the corporate worship of God the Father.

The Experience of Life

When at the same time we experience and enjoy Christ as both the vegetable life and the animal life, we realize how good, sweet, and rich the Lord is to us. We sense the richness and the sweetness of Christ—the goodness of the milk and the sweetness of the honey.

By enjoying Christ as the land of milk and honey, we will be constituted with Him as milk and honey—”Your lips drip fresh honey, my bride; / Honey and milk are under your tongue”.

Practice and Application

Every morning we need to pray, asking the Lord for the day’s portion of grace and consecrating ourselves to the Lord for the purpose of experiencing and enjoying Him by laboring on Him. Throughout the day we need to maintain our fellowship with the Lord and thereby contact Him, labor on Him, apply Him, experience Him, and enjoy Him.

Whenever we come to the Lord’s table meeting to remember the Lord and worship the Father, we should not come with our hands empty; we must come with our hands full of the produce of Christ.


Day 1

T1  God has placed us in Christ. The children of Israel entered into the land of Canaan and were each allotted a portion of the land (Col. 1:12)

(Please illustrate that our need is to learn how to enjoy and experience Christ.)

T2 The life after the possession of the good land is a life of laboring on Christ (Col. 1:12; 2:7)

(Please illustrate how we must work diligently on Christ that we may enjoy His all-inclusive riches.)

Day 2

T1  You have to labor on Christ as the land so that you can produce Christ (Phil. 2:13; Eph. 3:17)

(Please illustrate how much Christ you bring to the meeting depends upon how much Christ you produce, how much Christ you have grown.)

T2 The proper church life should be a meeting life (Col. 3:16)

(Please illustrate how we should live practically in the Lord, labor on Him, apply Him, and enjoy Him.)

Day 3

T1  To forget about all else and pay attention to the sense in our spirit is to exercise our spirit (John 4:24)

(Please illustrate that the genuine worship of God today is not a matter of worshipping in a certain place but a matter of contacting God in our spirit.)

T2 Exercising our spirit by taking care of the sense in our spirit rather than the sense in our soul (Heb. 4:12)

(Please illustrate when we exercise our spirit, we forget about our environment, our family, our successes, and our failures and are brought into the heavenlies.)

Day 4

T1  The good land is a land flowing with milk and honey (Exo. 3:8)

(Please illustrate that honey, for the most part, belongs to the vegetable life, the greater part of milk belongs to the animal life.)

T2 Preparing ourselves for the meeting (Eph. 3:8)

(Please illustrate that after coming into the meeting, we need not wait, and should not wait, for inspiration; we should exercise our spirit and use our trained mind to function in presenting what we have preparedto the Lord for His glory and satisfaction.)

Day 5

T1  Both milk and honey are produced by a   combination of two kinds of lives—the animal life and the vegetable life (John 1:19; 12:24)

(Please illustrate that milk and honey signify that Christ is the issue of these two kinds of lives.)

T2 Milk and honey signify the riches of Christ, riches that come from the two aspects of the life of Christ (John 1:19; 12:24)

(Please illustrate Christ is one person, He has the redeeming life, typified by the animal life, and the generating life, typified by the vegetable life.)

Day 6

T1  We worship the Father in the Son as the reality by enjoying the riches of the Son as the rich produce of the good land (Deut. 8:7; John 4:23-24)

(Please illustrate that today our spirit is the actual Jerusalem where God’s habitation is. furthermore, the surplus of the produce of the good land is a type of the riches of Christ.)

T2 Whenever we come to worship the Lord, we must come with our hands full of the produce of Christ (John 4:23-24)

(Please illustrate what kind of life we should live after the possession of the good land.)